One Fate

Aliases: Makoto, Dove
Name-Day: 20th sun of the fourth Umbral Moon.
Guardian: Oschon, The Wanderer
Flowers: Lilly of the Valley, Purple Hyacinths, Lavender
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Occupation: White mage and traveling doctor, she primarily makes deliveries in her spare time as a freelancer. On occasion, she also weaves clothes for others.Combat Specialties:
[Primary - Conjury, Blue Magic, Astrology]
[Secondary - Arcana, Thaumaturgy, Claymore, Sword and Shield, Martial Combat, Dancing]
[Unskilled - Archery, Red Magic, Katana Mastery, Ninja Arts]
[Untouched - Dragoon Arts, Machinist Gunplay, Gunblade Techniques, Reaper Techniques, Dark Knight Magic, Warrior Techniques, Sage Techniques]
City State: Once claiming her home in the outskirts of coerthas, she now lives in the Orn Wilds, primarily supporting Idyllshire.Notes:
Her hair has grown out now, past her shoulders and to her back. She keeps the old excessive lengths as a woven length of rope.
She is commonly seen in the company of others, and hardly ever alone. In fact, seeing her alone at all is incredibly /odd/.A soft voice and eyes that are sensitive to light, unless she's drawn into a conversation she's likely to keep quiet. When she does speak however, there is a notable Ishgardian accent. The better she knows you, the less likely she is to use it.From time to time, she may hold a small coin between her fingers- fidgeting with it.
She doesn't like to pick flowers, but will keep them if they are in a pot with soil. Maybe it's a simple childish thing- but she does not like the idea of plucking something to keep it, and watch it die. It feels... pitiful.

Recent Events

Her mind was a lucid dream between the happier moments and the more stressful ones. While attempting to mentally ground herself, more and more things pile on top of one another. She'd taken to meditating and isolating for a time. When she finds her courage, she heads out onto the sands to fight and keep her skills sharp.
Having made her own efforts over the course of three months to try and track down the whereabouts of a dear friend with little progress, she's begun to search more fervently out of worry.Around the same time, she learned within the last week of the third month that someone was actively hunting her. Their goal unknown and their searching also fervent, she sought to lay a trap and find answers.[05-10-2024]Having laid bread crumbs of information about herself leading to Gyr Abania, she let a morpho linger in waiting for the hunter that seemed to know so much. At first, the figure that was drawn out was unfamiliar to her. A strong presence and cautious demeanor. And yet- he knew the truth of her farewell. He spoke it. Drawn out of hiding to weakly question him though she knew who this was- it was her dear friend who had gone missing. He was much changed by a lengthy and dangerous forced isolation. In body and mind.They whittered the hours of the night away speaking at length- on regrets of parting. Of their failings to each other. And made a strong resolve- to be true to their bond of friendship. To know each other well once more. To protect and trust each other.The eve's parting was somber. Bearing the new knowledge they'd granted each other, unable to stay. But they were now no longer alone with those heavy feelings from the tumultuous things they had both faced.[05-12-2024]A market opening up in The Silver Bazaar caught the interest of herself and her associates. They took their time with each stall. picking out items for friends- and encountering a fellow who they'd met on a prior, strange endeavor. It was a fairly peaceful day, all things considered- everyone laden heavy with wares.[---/---/---]It was a mess.The memory was scattered. Going on a camping trip with two of her friends in the fringes- falling asleep, waking up to one of them missing and the other bloodied.Everything had been fine- everything had been...[---/---/---]One of her friend's houses had been destroyed while they were away in Limsa- and the other half of the group had been accosted there by the organization they were currently opposing. Through investigating with Nim, she found traces of concentrated Umbral aether Levin aspected, in key points of the house. It looked like whoever had broken in had been after the Levin orb and had somehow accidentally discharged it, destroying the home in the process.Picking up the pieces after this was going to be rather difficult.[06-08-2024]It had been a long, stressful night. Words were hurled none-too kindly over a moral qualm the group had long struggled with. When and where they could help people, if it was right to leave them when the danger was too much.She could remember the warmth of someone's arms in comfort. She could remember that it had not all ended sour- that there had been a peaceful resolution. But the sheer amount of stress was too much. All else faded into the oblivion of sleep.When she woke the next morning, something was off. A dear friend normally came by and dropped off his catch of fish in the morning- but there was none to be seen. Though she often avoided it, the raen stepped outside- opening the cabin door. Holding out her hand, she could make out... was that a cluster of ice aspected aether on a tree...?Following it, she could see between yalms there were a trail of them. Leading somewhere. And she knew that aether better than any on this star.Was her friend in trouble?She followed the trail deep into the Orn Wilds, coming across a pit. Down below was... a pile of junk? Cogs, metal, baubles. But she knew these woods well by now. Normally there wasn't anything clogging the riverbed. And scavenging among what most considered useless were Goblins from the Illuminati sect in The Hinterlands. Spoked by her friend who'd bene hiding in the trees, he'd caught her just before she fell off of her broomstick- having flown up to get a better look. Yet as they stayed high atop the branches and she followed his gaze, she realized he wasn't looking at the goblins. No, he was looking at the real threat hidden in the treeline above them.... it... it was......spiders... hundreds of spiders... twice her own size........ good gods what did they stumble into?[06-17-2024]
Having met a friend at the sands and sparred for a spell, he became disturbed by something unknown. She followed him at his request to his home- that they might check on the man's brother. But... something was wrong.
A blood curdling scream-And suddenly he was attacking, knife in her shoulder. As her armor slowly formed from the condensed metal of her cane, the raen with horror was faced with something cruel. She would have to fight her friend, to find answers.As the battle pressed on, they were evenly matched- her will to remain as strong as his to push her out. But eventually, the swifter footed hyur won- a searing pain as her tail was cut off. Everything was fading to darkness.Everything..."..______... why...?"[06-18-2024]Having been taken to her father's home before she could bleed out, she was tended to by him and the other residents of the hidden tower. In and out of sleep, she would not be able to walk properly for a time- and would spend her stay in physical therapy. Whatever foes they might have waiting, whatever plans she had- they would all have to wait.Friends came to visit, trying to keep her spirits up. She let them- and tried to believe in the small bits of hope they offered. But her confidence for the time was diminished. All this effort to wield a sword and to use what she'd been taught- squandered in one night.[06/24/2024]In and out of sleep during her recovery period, her frustration with her helplessness grew- until in manifested through sleep, in the exertion of her will. She knew what was coming- the fight with [redacted]. Her friends having to finally end their nightmare against him. And they needed everyone present."They will not fight alone."That was the thought that prevailed in her dreams, as with a hum of the crystal around her neck- a portion of her aether slipped free from its mortal shell. It searched and searched through the tower, going to the very lowest levels- and finding the perfect shell to attune to. One her father had carved and worked on ages ago, in secret. As it filtered into the puppet's eyes, the runes on its wooden and metal body began to glow- the body shambling up and about. Its thoughts were incoherent, and perhaps it was not completely aware- but it would carry out her will regardless.This story would have a happy ending- no matter the cost.[07/14/2024]The battle had been won- at all too heavy a mental and physical toll to her comrades. They had all nearly lost their lives that night. Having shielded them from a devastating magical attack, she was forced to linger much longer in the puppet's shell than her will intended. This had been worsened when at the battle's end, the puppet had expended what energy it had to restore and stabilize one of her comrades.Her father had also participated in the fight, taking on heavy injuries himself- and being left unconscious for roughly three days. Within that time, the puppet shell wandered- seeking out places and people that it knew. Occasionally it would be caught and returned home, but not before it had at least found one person of note. The trouble of explaining things to her friends when she was more coherent would be a rather cumbersome thing.She was half here and there, consciousness properly being stirred at times- but the strong feelings of a friend in need, or a familiar touch- but always returning to that eerie, content and dream filled shell.It took a while yet, for her father and Reinhardt to figure out just what they needed to do to restore her consciousness properly to her body. The magic of this creature- the reason why she yet lingered inside of the puppet, was because of her intention upon casting to inhabit it in the first place. To see all of her friends survive the battle against Vangrad and his monstrous form.Hence, it was likely she still needed to see a few people alive- some inadvertently making themselves known to her simply by making visits.Finding a letter from Animus, [redacted] set of for Tural- spending a few days there, and knowing by now that her companions had likely gone to see what the strange surge of Levin in the isles was.[--/--/--]It was pitch. Dark. Cold. Damp. She saw slivers of familiar faces, reaching for them- and unable to touch them. Slips of voices in a deep fog that swirled around- obscuring and stealing away what she saw, and heard. At times she felt aware- and at others, she sunk back into that foggy, deep sleep.And then- it started to feel warmer. She could barely make out a light, in the crack of stone- shafts spilling in. Her small frame ran to chase it, the rough tap of her feet as she ran faster and faster- jumping to catch it until--There was a crack. And another. And another. She felt the stone that had covered her skin ere' long chipping away, the sensation of breath returned with shuddering. her eyes blearily fluttered open, the raen clammy and fragile- looking up warily. She was in her father's arms atop a stone table, where her true body had been petrified for some time. Hair a snowy white and silver, her tail half grown back- limp and useless for the time being. Despite just waking up, she felt so tired- so very tired. She could barely make out the bubble of voices before slipping back into sleep again.[08/01/2024]Spending the last of the month fully recovering, she took to physical therapy with the help of her family and Rienhardt. Eventually, she could walk under her own power properly again- taking the chance to visit Tural with her friends. It was during this visit that a friend used an experimental healing spell, which helped finish her recovery- and restore her tail, as well as her ability to move properly again.[??--??--??]Once she was out of recovery, she spent much of her time with Reinhardt and Animus- though, there were sparse days she was by herself, fully exploring the world again. However, it didn't take long until trouble came knocking- as it always did.Curiously following familiar and long forgotten aether trails, she happened upon her friend Adisa- at the cove. it seemed he was helping Trausti's niece make a present for him- as the two had been at odds for a time. It was a strange place to gather the accommodations for such, but she knew her friends. He'd likely have use for anything they picked out in Thanalan's darker circles.It was while they'd finished shopping around, and Adisa was in the middle of departing- that she heard a cry for help, somewhere in the crowd towards the docks.Perhaps it was foolish to heed.But she knew none in this place would come to their aid. Pushing past onlookers to try and get through, she found herself stopped by a fellow- one trying to keep her out of what he considered official business. but as the thought to push past came to mind, she could see him eyeing her curiously- and then, his companion in the red coat emerged. She KNEW that red coat. But from where? Where? She couldn't remember. They said they wanted to talk, having abandoned their prior prey- but there was a shiver up her spine. Backing into the crowd didn't feel an easy choice. But following them to the docks? At least there, she could try and get onto her broomstick- summon it from afar. So for now, she obliged- if only to get more breathing room. her suspicions were confirmed, when she could see the boat they were walking towards- that glamoured and invisible magicked broomstick slowly drafting closer behind her. It blasted them with an alpine draft from the lantern at its head, sending the men sliding back- and she bolted for the farther side of the docks. But she didn't get very far. One of them had come up from behind and nailed her with the hilt of a weapon, in the back of the neck.Her broom was busy keeping them at bay with its magis until she could become concious again- the cacophony drawing in attention from the crowd above. It was then that Tenshi, Aurelius, and Yumarox stepped in- managing to pry her from the jaws of danger, and usher her out of the market.But that close encounter would not be the end. Even disguised as she was, she knew it wouldn't be. Not if she and that red coated man recognized each other so well.[??--??--??]After two more attempts, she managed to convince her would be kidnappers to back off- offering a magical item that she knew they could not readily use. Drawn in by intrique and power, they took it- and would be well distracted by it for a time.However, her days would not see peace- not yet. As they became a lull of her usual habits- accompanied by Animus after she'd regaled him with the story of the cove- she began to see an old face now and again. And old rival she often face on the saves, a man who she'd aided when his eye had gone missing- when he was weak. But he seemed... different somehow...It wasn't until nearly two moons later that she would learn why. The horrible truth...... oh Khan, what happened to you...? The man with the somber eyes and aloof nature- what happened to leave you a near shambling corpse...?[09--09-2024]Having spoken on her troubles with Kiaran and finding solace in his company at The Coffin' n ' Coffer the night prior, the raen's troubled heart and the worries of her other friends- Tenshi and Animus, weighed heavy. They'd all grown close to Khan over time, before they learned of the state of his body. And there was a heavy sense of grief in the air, knowing what yet lingered on this mortal plane.Bereft of their company today, she sought solace in quietly eating and reading at The Drunken Duck. Though- strangely, in a twist of her name- an old face appeared. The Dragoon from Ishgard bearing golden eyes had come, too. The pair were both relieved to see one another, and surprised at how much the other had changed- likely from what experiences they had not shared. Despite the fondness of one another's presence, it seemed the conversation they were going to have would be.. unfortunately heavy.[??--??--??]Fire and embers, and smoke.
A force that had pursued them with a pull of darkness in the forest.
The doll given to her now a source of torment, some abomination having fed on the aether abundant in her cabin for a time. And now, it would try to make this space its own.Unless she could stop it. Sword in hand in the shadows of the once comforting space, she followed two of her companions inside- a chill clinging to the air.[10--27--2024]
She spent the next two months dealing with the spider crisis that threatened to overtake the Orn wilds, and spread into other territories in Dravania- from setting up detection wards to let her know when and if they were passing through certain places- how many-- to trying to work on an antivenom for the dubious effects of their adaptive toxins. Finding it beyond her abilities, she initially tried to search for help through more proper channels- coming up on dead ends with other alchemists. It wasn't until she followed a lead to the springs and met Oberus, that some progress was made. While he wasn't the alchemist of the establishment, he knew how to work with drugs, and decided to see if he couldn't find a way to make something to combat it.
The project grew from there as her visits to the springs became more frequent- becoming more and more familiar with the members of the place. While initially she'd only intended to go there for that business alone, they kept finding new ways to tweak the venom- and new things to make out of it. And of course, she kept as much documentation about it as she could, to work on herself later.

The kinder faces had startled her a bit, as she'd expected people from a criminal organization to be more rough around the edges. And though some were, she found herself endeared to them. Carrying their worries, their struggles, their hurts. Finding small ways to help, even if subtle- and going as far as stepping in to help with the medical ward. Unfortunately this was... getting a lot more attention than she anticipated. Too many eyes.She'd stayed too long... and now found it hard to leave. Hard to want to leave. But she didn't give into the recruitment offers- knowing well what that entailed. A collar, a leash- having to follow through with things she may be morally opposed to. She wasn't going to let it get that deep. But she knew hanging around as she had, it was likely they'd keep pressing. Coming to an agreement with Kaveh'to, she took on the role of an associate- able to help out in a more formal manner with better awareness of their operations. For better or worse.It was in the midst of this though- that one day while visiting her father's tower and checking on Animus, there was an ominous rumble. It shook the very foundation of the mountain and the tower, causing her to fall from high on the spiraling stairway. Down, down, down- into a massive well that had opened on the ground floor, pitch black and howling with an ominous wind. She covered her face, tucking her head- bracing for impact. This place of all places should have been safe- what was this?[11--12--2024]"... You feel as if you're eclipsed in my shadow...?"[01--17--2025]The next two moons were a blur. Monster patrols and missing person seeking by day, helping the springs by night- deliveries on the side. Getting trapped at the organization for a time due to a plague outbreak- watching the coming and going of new and old members. And always three figures at her side- always the need to help. To fight. Getting into old habits- the old ones she used to do at The Clock Tower that she missed so much. And always small reminders through them of the people she hadn't seen anymore.By the time she realized she'd stayed far longer than her job and needed to close it, she'd already become too entwined. And it was around that period that things began to pick up again- in the pattern that always held true.Called on to aid her usual comrades with the destruction of a [redacted] facility, they made plans a moon in advance- got their supplies ready. And then, set out. Every place of business and organization she mingled with was given notice that she would be gone, but not the why or where.And so, she vanished for a week.[01--27--2025]Business continues as it has for a while now- between her daily and nightly work. The throbbing in her head robbing her at times. Forgetfulness- something she's fallen prey to time and time again, in waves every few years. But finally there was calm. Calm between the chaos of every day life. Less monsters on her patrols, less worrying about the troubles of others. Actually taking a little longer to get to know some around her.And then one night, while out drinking- she let slip her original contract with Oberus. That it had been a private one. One of the few reasons she didn't like indulging in spirits every so often. While there wasn't animosity towards herself, how it would reflect on him was another matter- leaving her with horribly mixed feelings.She spent the next few days pre-occupying herself with matters outside of the springs. But that guilt lingered. How was she supposed to face him with such a slip of the tongue?[02--04--2025]
They were all walking together, the four of them- and then suddenly, the ground split, sending the pairs away from one another. It was a blur of events from there.
Burning webs in a gaping hole deep underground, and screams echoing in a cavern. She woke up to see the others still in combat, magic fumes from her palm outstretched to cast healing magics. When the large fleshy monsters with multiple eyes and tendrils were finally cut down, she only briefly remembered running down the crumbling tunnel with her companions, and the cold pain in her side.[02--05--2025]
A meeting was held regarding recent events- from getting rid of the soul forge, to the number of people defecting from [redacted] and its state of operations. Small things in many parts that pointed to the same thing- they could perhaps, land a killing blow on the organization once and for all. It was just a matter of how to go about it, and when. Though tensions hung in the group about dealing with one of the defectors in particular who had done them a great deal of harm. Even if it was misguided and lead under deception, the lasting consequences of their actions left a gaping hole where understanding might've been had.
As the evening progressed and some of her injuries from an expedition the night prior got to her, she noticed it properly now- seeing face lain over the ones she was speaking to. Faces that she no longer saw or spoke to. And clear moments where reality felt it was cracking. A clear sign she needed to peel back- somewhere. Regain her sense of self. Maybe it was time to take it easy, while they could still plan ahead.[02--06--2025]A dream in a restless red ocean, warm lantern glow basking the stone.


  • An enchanted broom that behaves nearly like a companion, and acts upon her emotions and thoughts. Gifted to her by her mentor. Unfortunately, that being the case- the thing is rather temperamental. Though it has saved her from a fall many times- it is typically glamoured and hovering somewhere nearby.

  • A Yol feather, given to her by Levv during their time at The Gold Saucer. It's said to belong to his own Yol, from the Azim Steppes. She keeps it carefully preserved in a book- that it might be pressed. It's kept in a cupboard in her cabin.

  • A thick winter coat, given to her by a Roegadyn in full plate armor during the colder months in Ul'dah, around Heaven's Turn. His act of kindness was a quick example, as she eventually wove and gave away a coat to a friend.

  • A hand drawn portrait of herself, by Hummingbird and given to her as a gift. While she hadn't requested he draw her, she's very fond of the portrait and keeps it hung up in a room in her cabin.

  • Her healing staff- a gift from her mentor after her five year training period. Given as a token of farewell, when she set off to try and live her life on her own terms.

  • Her bag. Always carried with her, this was a gift from a kind couple who let her stay for a night in their home. Over time, she's made some modifications to it- the bag now an indispensable magic tool.

  • An Omamori Charm, dream charm, and prayer beads. Given to her by Nas, each one represents something- to ward off evil spirits, to aid in good dreams, to love and care for others as well as oneself. She keeps them in good condition, and does not take them to places where they may get lost or damaged.

  • The remnants of a white set of flower arrangements, finally laid to rest. Given to her by Trausti, she has taken to pressing them into the pages of a book- just behind the page with the Yol feather inside.

  • A small ornate box that perhaps once contained sweets inside- only the light perfume of them remaining, with a pretty little necklace. A lovely gift from Kiaran, meant to commemorate their friendship. She keeps it tucked away in a safe place.

  • A wine bottle. One of her own vintage that she'd made, but sharing it with a good friend on a good day- that makes it special.

  • A purple hyacinth corsage. Given to her by Animus, who'd come to learn her favorite flower.

  • A white ribbon, given as a gift around Starlight by Nariak. She keeps it clean and maintains the fabric, only willing to wear it at special events.

  • A small box with a silver necklace- bearing a hyacinth charm on it. This too is kept well, and is a rather tender gift.

  • A letter from House Verus, acting as an Imperial Pardon from the Senate should the bearer be put into custody. Received in good faith due to aid offered, and only valuable as a one time use item.

  • A coronal wristband, given to her as a starlight gift. Occasionally she may bring this out to wear it, but keeps it well maintained.

  • A necklace that negates the effects of Levin- give to her due to her difficulty controlling the element, and habit of striking herself with it.

  • A mysterious wooden box holding a strange device inside, that emits a low signal.

  • A strange moon pendant, that activates only with a certain song.

  • An ice aspected shard attached to a leather cord. (only sometimes on her person)

  • A necklace with a charm in the shape of a fox, with sakura petals. She keeps it in a small pink box- given to her by a dear friend.

  • A plushie from "Build a Mog" with a memory crystal inside. It is named Tempest.

  • The remnants of a creepy looking doll, which apeared to contain a voidsent within due to its origins. Destroyed in the fight, though tenderly stitched back together.

  • Woven sunflower, given to her by Zekiel after she had taught him the language of flowers.

  • A metal hyacinth necklace, and a thick bozjan coat- given to her by Touffant. She keeps them in her bag at all times.

  • A "Vial of Whispers". Often pulled out to give her a sense of calm.

  • A strange ring with a silver glimmer and translucent crystal band. While it grants resistance to frost, it can also offer a chill to things.

  • A pendant with a glowing eye, that aids in the ability to see in the dark.

  • An enchanted labradorite pendant, with a mystery effect.

  • A leather worn eyepatch with tints of metal. It's a somber thing...

  • A tea cup, given to her while she suffered prolonged illness. She'll occasionally take it out to drink from it, and keeps it relatively clean.

  • [Temporary] A Copy of '----- --- -----', lent from Arcana Obscura. Due for return [1/27/2025]. A historical text in correlation with 'The Fury's Knights of the Table Round'. [Past Due Date]

  • A Doman Iron Coin. It has a faint floral scent.


  • Strange Figure - Surrounded by folks she knows, folks she's yet to know, or running at the behest of a butterfly, she's an odd one. Heroes, Villains, Sinners, Saints- she somehow mingles with nearly every type of person.

  • Wanderer - No matter her occupation, the Raen travels very frequently. You may have seen a raen on broom back flying between cities!

  • Aetheric Energy - Having a strong attunement to magic, her ability for Conjury is fairly masterful. The well of aether she's able to pull from allows for great magical feats, if only for a short time. Using such an abundance of magic will exhaust her fairly easily. She can see and follow trails of aether, but does not have pronounced aether-sight. Her strongest aspects are white magic and blue magic.

  • Scope of Knowledge - Speaking Common and Hingan, her primary knowledge is of magic, the occult, medicine, and Ishgardian culture. She's also fairly knowledgeable about Ul'dah's social circles- a mingler in many of them, but member of few.

  • Combat Training - Constantly Training on the Sands with different types of melee weapons, she is primarily a caster. Her melee specialties are fist fighting, the use of a claymore, and of late- sword and board. She will always weave white and blue magicks into any style she uses.

  • Traveling Healer - In need of a healing hand? her name might come up, among the many other healers that frequent The Bloodsands. Most who know her will refer to her as 'One', but many find the number name a bit precarious and simply call her 'Fate'.

  • The Spirit of Adventure - As she often travels and meets strange folk, she will also often find herself going to odd places for shenanigan's- whether that's collecting apples for a client, or diving into deep crypts and places of enchantment. She may even offer folk who know her well enough, a chance to be whisked away on one of these endeavors- comical, exciting, or otherwise. But if you are in need of a healer, she will also happily accompany you.

  • Ominous Aura - Bubbly and friendly, you might not expect such a thing from her. But occasionally, there is a fairly strong presence- particularly to those sensitive to aether, void touched, or artificial in nature. Perhaps you feel a strange tug and smell a hint of lavender and hyacinth in the air?

  • Story Spinner - Perhaps you've heard "The Sword that Spoke" or "The Apple and the God Tree"? Barding in her spare time. these are tales unique to her performances. She does not spin a yarn for them very often, and it does not seem that these tales are penned anywhere. perhaps you've even only heard the names and taken an interest in hearing the story!

  • Rumors - Perhaps you've heard tell of a pale hyur in Ishgard who heals the common folk- or perhaps you've heard tell of an Au'ra with pale features lurking about the Hinterlands? Nearly always a story of trouble follows either of them. Whispers of diving into deep crypts with monsters, of daring rescues, of loss. But most commonly, of hope despite all of this chaos. No matter what trouble follows these figures, they nearly always make it out- perhaps, with a new friend.

  • An entourage - She's almost never seen alone; whether it's a bunch of vierra, a crowd of hyur, or suddenly a group of Miqo'te- this woman certainly attracts company!

  • Fight Fight Fight!- Anywhere a fight can be picked, she's there- to watch, to join. She never picks anything too risky, and is often cheering on a friend. Perhaps you've seen her in a fight pit, bearing her sword?

  • Constant Injuries?- Perhaps you came across her with wrappings? Around her neck, her chest, her hands- it seems she's accident prone. Or perhaps, danger prone. Either way, she can't seem to stay out of trouble.

  • Makoto Asahi: Perhaps you've come across a raven haired hyur of pale skin, or a robed woman often followed by a butterfly? Something seems strange about this individual either way- their appearence seems.. off, though pretty. (You may do a /d20 roll to see through her glamour disguise.

  • Lingering Gaze: Often one that I start with, she may notice things about /you/ that draw her eyes over. If I should whisper an interaction of such, that's an invitation to rp :D

Memorable Faces

There's a throbbing in her head. Everything is hazey and all of the memories of who she's met in the past, and who she's met in the present, are blurring together. Face overlain on face, repeating patterns of behavior that spill out into a symphony of chaos.
The statue of a Damsel - Prickly. Well humored, mysterious. Colorful memories of laughter, a coat on a winter's night.The Damsel's Crow - Lurking in their shadow, on their shoulder. A smile behind dark hair and bright eyes. Joy and warmth.The Damsel's Vexation - A wall of ice. Impenetrable. But a soft smile hiding beneath it, and hair white as snow.The Moon Walker - Red and white, hummed in a tune from the east. The rising sun, and the setting moon. Doman iron in the shape of a coin, entwined in white hyacinths.Blue Eyes - Surrounded by the snows of coerthas- knives, an axe made of ice with a silver cudgel. One who moves like a wolf on the hunt, always- with one at his side. He vanishes into the storm.Captain of the Clock Tower - Steely eyes with a tongue vorpal, and fire in her words. She sits comfortably in the dark and wraps it like a cloak round herself- pistol at the ready.Cumulonimbus - Ever present protector, lingering in steel close behind. Once filled with rage that burned all around him, he is like a billowing cloud of smoke now- only threatening to those that justify it. Embers are burning away at his resolve, but she will fan the fire to keep it alive.Water Horse - Daggers like a river, cutting through time; and eyes brilliant and green. Like a forest. They are excitement- joy in the mundane, and the adventure. Risen from the cold grip of death and born anew.The Ocean's Siren - Quiet, quiet, until someone enters the water. Then madness. And now, all is quiet again. Drawings delicately lain out on parchment depicting the world- lengthy late night talks. The sentimental, the pragmatic. Comfort in the silence.The Page Master - Weaving geometries, to save -- to protect. Gentle in nature, kind in spirit. Always putting the hearts of others before their own. In a soft orange glow, she knows them.The Sunflower - Reckless red and a drawn blade, behind one of the brightest smiles known to man. Broken bones and a tender embrace. Tearful nights and confiding. Little brother.The Sunlit Statue - Craftsman, gun toter. Always holding themselves up against a storm that weathers the stone, but never breaks it. A little shadow at their heels, they are the comfort of a quiet night. Crickets and dreams. Safety.Metal Sparrow - Hiding- hiding. Like she is hiding. A kindred spirit, with a thread dangling around their neck. One that may end them.


  • UPDATE: [05-05-2024] My current schedule is going to primarily be evening availability, full availability on Tues-Wed.

  • Time Zone: PST

  • Availability: Any day at 5pm.

  • Server: Balmung

  • Likely Spots: (Dravania) (La Noscea)

  • Boundaries: I do not erp, do dead dove content, and prefer adventure type scenarios. Do not conflate IC with OOC. I will not tolerate it.

  • What is "Dead Dove Content"? (Dead Dove) Do Not Eat is a warning or tag used to indicate that a fan-work contains tropes or elements that may be deemed morally reprehensible without explicitly condemning the sensitive aspects.

  • Notes: I am dyslexic, and have memory problems- so please be patient with me. Explicitly, if we make plans for something- please communicate it in discord where I can have a written record! I will not remember it otherwise.

  • Depending on the severity of her exploits, she may use glamour powder and specialized glamour prisms for tailored disguises. If you're uncertain about what you're looking at, I'll usually list that disguise in my search info- and you can always ask.

Art Work

Companion Art